The 2008 Colorado Ballot

Propositions 109 & 110


Both of these are geared toward improving our transportation infrastructure, which is in poor (not awful) shape. But they both have some important nuances that are key to your decision.

Read each carefully before deciding. Knowing we have to improve our roads is not a reason to vote for these. And definitely not a reason to vote for both.

Proposition 109

This bill is similar to taking out a second mortgage on your house, it's really nice to be able to build that addition or put in a swimming pool. But then the bank wants to be paid and you didn't put aside any of your income for the payments.

This will fund our roads on the back of increased debt for our children going to College.

Details here. 

Proposition 110

Our transportation infrastructure in the state is on the edge of becoming a giant problem. And at present we not only can't build the new roads we so desperately need, but we can't keep the existing infrastructure in good shape.

This provides a decent (not great because of the funding source) way to improve our roads.

Details here.



ballotpedia 109

ballotpedia 110


Vote No on 109 (109)


Let's Go, Colorado (110)