Attorney General John Suthers & murderer Scott KimballThe fundamental tenet of medicine is "first do no harm." We should expect the same from our Attorney General. I believe that Attorney General John Suthers violated this fundamental tenet of his job when he approved the early release of felon Scott Kimball, who then went on to murder 4 people. Including a 16 year old girl. Early Release with No oversightWhen the FBI requested to release Scott Kimball from prison to operate unsupervised as an informant, that required the approval of the U.S. Attorney – John Suthers. The requirement is very specific, that the U.S. Attorney himself must approve the action. It is a fundamental responsibility of the U.S. Attorney to verify that the early release will lead to information that is worth the risk, and that the convicted felon is under adequate supervision. What did John Suthers do? From the Denver Post, in his own words:
Scott Kimball was arrested for a parole violation at the request of the State of Washington. But at the request of John Suthers' office, they dropped the charge. As reported by Fox news:
What Did the FBI get from Scott?
Four (or more) innocent people dead, people who would be alive if John Suthers had exercised any judgment, and for it nothing. Why did the Early Release for Scott Kimball?Why did the FBI ask for an early release? Why did John Suthers approve an early release? Because "he claimed his cellmate planned to arrange for the murder of a witness in a drug case." That's right, a convicted con man claimed he was asked to murder a witness and that was sufficient for the FBI and John Suthers to spring him – unsupervised. This was completely brain dead – anyone in prison is willing to lie to get out. Approving this showed zero judgment. Should They Have Known Better?While releasing Scott Kimball based on an unverified statement was clearly dumb, John Suthers claims that they had no reason to believe Scott Kimball would commit additional felonies upon release? Really? That statement shows additional poor judgment.
There is no way someone like this should have been released early. Scott had a clear history of preying upon society including rape, and his total lack of concern about anyone else made murder a definite possibility. To release him without supervision showed a total lack of judgment on the part of the FBI and John Suthers. And Even More May Have Been MissedAnd it gets worse. It looks like Scott Kimball could be responsible for several other murders here in Colorado. Murders that if he had been caught on, would have precluded subsequent killings. Scott Kimball could be the largest mass-murderer in state history.
This is not just missed signs, this is wholesale incompetence. What does it say when it requires the news media to do the initial work for the Attorney General's office? AccountabilityI understand that life is imperfect, and even the best of us makes mistakes. I understand that things that are clear in hindsight can be a lot more opaque at the time decisions must be made. And investigating criminals requires dealing with other criminals, who tend to be low-life scum. That's the world we have to work with. But this goes so far beyond that. By any measure this was gross incompetence. By any measure this was a combination of zero judgment, no follow-through, and an inability to see clear evidence of Scott Kimball's involvement in murder after murder. And the key person at the center of this total cluster-fuck is John Suthers. If we are to hold our elected officials accountable, if we are to insist on minimal competence, then we must vote John Suthers out of office. Not just to require accountability, but also for our own safety. If John Suthers is reelected then there are no consequences for actions in office. |